Chats With James Podcast

Chats with James is a podcast discussing everything that James or his guests are passionate about.

Embedded Systems, the Rust Programming Language, and a variety of other technical topics are the most commonly discussed items.


011 - Eliza Weisman

James chats with Eliza about systems, systems of systems, operating systems, java, java cards, what posix did wrong, and a ton of other rust adjacent things.

Originally Recorded on 2022-04-08. more

010 - Dion Dokter

James chats with Dion Dokter about device drivers, bootloaders, and embedded Rust.

Originally Recorded on 2020-12-29. more

009 - Sylvan Morris

James chats with Sylvan Morris about introducing Rust into a company, working at an embedded startup, over the air bootloaders, and managing risk.

Originally Recorded on 2020-12-28. more

008 - Yoshua Wuyts

James chats with Yoshua Wuyts to discuss Control Theory in traditional software domains, the possibilities of RISC-V, and open source hardware.

Originally Recorded on 2020-12-30. more

007 - Michael Nitschinger

James chats with Michael Nitschinger of Couchbase to discuss Coffee Machines, PID control loops, Bluetooth Low Energy, and Databases.

Originally Recorded on 2020-12-28. more
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